Digantar, as a school, started in 1978 and was registered as an organization in 1989. So I cannot tell you everything that Digantar did or which we learnt, or what Digantar’s various kinds of activities were. I am going to deliberately select a few things which I believe might be […]
People in Education
3 posts
Dhir Jhingran: I want to first do a quick recap of the education scene from the side of the government over the two decades or so that I have been associated with it. The National Policy of Education had several schemes: the DIETs (District Institute of Education and Training); PMOST (Programme of Mass Orientation of […]
A day-long workshop on setting up and using libraries effectively was facilitated by Usha Mukunda and her team on day II of Kathavana, 2013, . The workshop adopted a question-answer format for discussions (eliciting and building on the attendees’ responses and current knowledge); and spent significant time on hands-on activities, which, […]