Moral Philosophy

3 posts

There you go! by Oren Ginzburg

There you go! by Oren Ginzburg

In 15 sentences and 20 beautifully illustrated pages, There you go! by Oren Ginzburg brings out the absurdity of many of our attempts to bring ‘sustainable development’ to tribal communities/aborigines around the world. As Lodu Sikaka from India’s Dongria Kondh tribe says “It’s crazy when these outsiders come and teach us development. […]

In Search of the White Rose_Morality

The Search for the White Rose

Do the standards of morality that a person adheres to, depend on the society that s/he is a part of? Or are these standards independent of the individual’s social context? Where does an individual’s moral-framework come from? And what makes some people ‘adjust’ their moral-code in the face of adversity […]

Singer’s Dilemma : Would You Rescue the Child?

Imagine a pleasant evening. You are dressed in your favourite clothes, and are on your way to attend your friend’s wedding reception. On the way to the reception you have to cross a bridge. As you are about to get on to the bridge you see, what appears to be […]